We all love a good lifehack. Even a little one. Learn how to shave valuable time and clicks from your Cascade editing:
The Shortcut Menu
This tool is available on any asset, anytime, and is a real time-saver. Simply hover over a folder, page or file and click on the arrow that appears to the right to expand the menu. There you will find quick access to frequent actions such as edit, move/rename, publish and delete.
Quick Actions
Start by selecting a folder to view its contents. Several “Actions” are available to the far right of each item: reorderin, edit and delete.
TIP: Use this delete action icon when you want to delete multiple images or files in a folder — select a folder, click the red delete icon next an item, confirm the item is safe to delete (any relationships will be listed for review), and you are returned to the folder view where you can continue with the next item. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Bulk Actions
Limited bulk actions are available at the bottom of the folder view: copy and publish. Use the checkboxes to select multiple items, then use the drop down menu to select copy or publish. Note that multi-select, bulk deleting is NOT an option — instead, try the “Quick Action” tip described above.
Happy editing!
~ Jesse